Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fun with Latin roots...

Somnambulist (n): one who walks while sleeping

Funambulist (n): one who walks on ropes

Somnafunambulist (n): one who sleepwalks on ropes

Somnafunist (n): one who sleeps on ropes

Gummasticambulist (n): one who walks and chews gum at the same time

Somnagummasticambulist (n): one who sleepwalks and chews gum at the same time

Ursagummasticambulist (n): one who walks and chews Gummi Bears at the same time

Somnombrilist: one who falls asleep while contemplating his navel

Funombrilist: tighrope walker who achieves balance by contemplating his navel

Urifunist: one who pisses up a rope

Jusforfunist: one who enjoys taking the piss irrespective of ropes, sleep, or walking


  1. You're a very funny man Bruce, a jocularist first class, but you already know that

  2. thank you sir, nice to get feedback once in a while.
