Thursday, August 25, 2011

On the bus back from Stanley Village...

Cycling the waistband of my swimtrunks through my fingertips like a rosary, trying to get it dry before it has to go into the suitcase.

A nod to Louis Jordan

Solipsis or solipsism dey an objective reality?

A nod to Pharoah Sanders

The creator has a backup plan / Brand new universe & leave out man.

A story of ages beneath our feet...

The palimpsest of wax buildup on Geraldine's parquet had been declared a National Cultural Heritage Site. #lqw

Married for life....

Though Hector was uxorious unto a thankless queen / His needle knew no stitching, his spoon conjured no cuisine.

Nobody got this one....

When Lyn saw Sam putting a cow in the wagon & asked him where he was going, she was not reassured when he replied, "The cat'll drive." #lqw

God Handbook Tip #325

Before creating a universe, ask yourself: Is it good? Is it beautiful? Is it necessary? Does it improve upon nothingness?

Always had style, Collins...

Hands on hips, Collins oozed across the minefield swankier than a fire-retardant gorilla.

Another day, another crustacean...

He curled his toes as he slid his pants legs on to clear out lobster dung from the previous day's festivities.

A loqwacious gem

After his midnight pancake snack, Sol slipped the syrup dishes surreptitiously into the dishwasher and went back to bed. #lqw


In his dream, Fido's master would ask if he'd eaten, and he'd reply no and be brought another bowl. People tended to let sleeping dogs lie.


"Why won't the damn thing turn anymore?!" cried Helen, dropping her wrench on the counter. Once cross-threaded, the nut became inscrutable.

Lady Macbeth decides to turn in for the night...

Out, dog Spot!

On fait la trêve?

Finally we got tired of the steady insults in English and German and decided to make friends charteuse language.

Anybody home?

So habituated was he to chaos that stretches of calm were almost frightening to him; he'd become zenophobic.

Free at last!

Pamela hugged the stack of coathangers to her chest and did a pirouette. She'd finally dislodged the caraway seed stuck between her teeth!

An ode to the tibia

Hail the tibia, what raiseth man from his knees, and bringeth him that much closer closer to God, amen.

Idea for a new Twitter game....

A prize is reserved for the bitten-off chocolate square most closely resembling the state of Minnesota.

When ya gotta ya gotta

Perceiving no compelling reason to act otherwise, the bug sat motionless on the wall for three entire days.

A little respect!

Benjie finish your chicken! It took God billions of years to evolve that!

There's no stopping progress....

No sooner had Mother Goose taken the technological leap of having a phone installed, than she wanted an anserine machine put in as well.

You savvy?

Rakaba bebi, inatritap/Wennawimblos akrediwirrak/ Wennababrex akrediwiffa/'N danakum bebi, credelinal.

Let's get this party started

Each imbecile was fitted with a backpack containing a watermelon and a kitten.